Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Remaking of America: Daily Log

1/20/2009 - Day 1
Inauguration Day. "Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin again the work of remaking America." OK. Here goes...

1/21/2009 - Day 2
Obama signs a presidential executive order limiting lobbyists' influence on his administration. He then promptly hires at least a dozen former lobbyists for top jobs in his administration.

1/26/2009 - Day 7
Timothy Geithner is sworn in as the nation's new treasury secretary. A man who cannot use TurboTax properly is now in charge of the IRS.

2/23/2009 - Day 35
Obama announces his intention to cut the massive federal budget deficit in half by the end of his four-year term. Of course, he's going to increase it by 4 TIMES in 2009 -- from $459 billion to $1,845 billion -- so it shouldn't be hard to cut that amount in half in 4 years.

3/3/2009 - Day 43
Obama snubs our greatest ally, Great Britain, by canceling the traditional joint press conference with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown because he is "too tired".

3/5/2009 - Day 45
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown presents President Obama with: a pen holder carved from the timbers of HMS Gannett, a sister ship of HMS Resolute, the commissioning certificate of HMS Resolute, and a seven-volume biography of Winston Churchill. In return, the Prime Minister gets 25 DVDS, which don't work in Britain.

3/11/2009 - Day 51
Obama criticizes pork barrel spending in the form of "earmarks", and then signs the $410 billion omnibus spending bill that contains nearly 9,000 of them. Notable among them are $155.9 million worth of projects that six members of the Obama administration had inserted into the bill last year.

4/1/2009 - Day 72
Obama breeches protocol and bows in a deferential gesture to the king of Saudi Arabia.

4/7/2009 - Day 78
The Department of Homeland Security releases a "right-wing extremism" memo that points to a potential threat from returning war veterans, abortion opponents, gun-rights advocates, and supporters of third-party candidates, among others. I'm expecting DHS to show up at my door any day.

4/18/2009 - Day 89
Obama shakes hands with Venezuela’s Communist leader, Hugo Chavez, and receives an insulting "gift" Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent.

4/20/2009 - Day 91
Obama promises to cut a whopping $100 million from his 2010 budget proposal. The Congressional Budget Office projects Obama's budget will create a 2010 deficit of $1,379,000,000,000, so the cut should leave us in the red for only about $1,378,900,000,000 of 2010 spending. What a relief!
Source: (March 2009)

4/27/2009 - Day 98
The Air Force One backup plane causes a panic when it flies low over NYC escorted by two F-16 fighters. Head of the White House Military Office, Louis Caldera, approved the flyover for a photo-op that cost taxpayers $328,835. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs tells a reporter to "ask the White House about it." Huh?

4/29/2009 - Day 100
Obama's 2010 budget approved (potential corruption)

4/30/2009 - Day 101
Chrysler files bankruptcy after receiving bailouts

5/7/2009 - Day 108
Budget cuts: Take 2
White House budget chief Peter Orszag announces that $17 billion will be cut from his 2010 budget proposal. The cuts would involve 121 programs, half of which are defense related.
The Obama administration had projected a $
1,171,000,000,000 deficit for 2010, so the cut should leave us in the red for only about $1,154,000,000,000 of 2010 spending, according to the administration. Again... What a relief!
So, the debt will still increase by $1,154,000,000,000, plus interest, of course.


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